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UDC 336:005.34
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Business Finance,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Finance,
Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
19, Kyoto str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine 


Background. An important area of economic management is corporate finance, which in a market economy play a decisive role in the functioning of the financial system of the country. Only in the nineties of the twentieth century, the emphasis in research and educa­tion began to shift to corporate finance, due to the development of a market economy and the importance of financial management in ensuring the effective operation of the enterprise.
The aim of the article is to identify current trends in the theory and practice of corporate finance, to identify the main vectors for developing training programs for specialists in this field.
Materials and methods. The research is based on the principles of a systematic approach and was carried out using general scientific, statistical research methods, questionnaires.
Results.Despite significant improvements in the theory of corporate finance, this is a rapidly evolving field of science. Thus, recently there has been a rethinking of the established financial models and the study of new issues regarding the harmonization of finan­cial interests of stakeholders, the methodological principles of financial strategy and financial capacity formation, new forms of organizational and information support of financial management in the light of business digitalization. An integral approach to the interpret­tation of the content of financial management begins to be dominated, which should coordinate the activities of all structural subdivisions in different functional areas and mana­gement circles, which introduces new requirements for specialists in this sphere and approaches to their training in the higher education system of Ukraine.
Conclusion.An analysis of the financial situation of Ukrainian enterprises shows that the quality of this management is inadequate, which is confirmed by the results of questionnaires, during which the main problems of the organization of corporate finance management in Ukraine were identified.
The practice of training specialists in corporate finance at the Kyiv National Uni­versity of Trade and Economics has been analyzed. A sufficient level of scientific and per­sonnel background for the training of such specialists was found, significant progress in this direction and continuous improvement of this work.

Keywords: corporate finances, quality of management, solvency, financial stability.


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